If you suffer from depression, and your current treatment plan isn't working as well as you'd like it to, it's time to consider other options. One of the options you should consider is transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS. TMS works by stimulating the brain through electromagnetic pulses. TMS has been found to be an effective treatment for a variety of ailments including depression. If you haven't talked to your doctor about the benefits of TMS treatment for your symptoms of depression, now's the time to do that. If you and your doctor decide that TMS treatment is the right option for you, here are three steps that will help you through the process. 

Have an Open Schedule

If you're ready to begin TMS treatment, it's important that you have an open schedule. TMS treatment will require you to go into the office each day for several weeks. This is designed to ensure that you receive the maximum benefits from the treatment. Each TMS session usually lasts for less than an hour, which allows you to choose an appointment time that works best for your schedule. However, it is important that you avoid missing any of your scheduled appointments. 

Understand the Treatment

If you've decided to undergo TMS therapy, be sure you understand the treatment before you arrive for your appointment. Understanding the treatment will ensure that you receive maximum benefit from the procedure. In most cases, the treatment is painless. However, there are instances where you may feel some tingling. If the treatment becomes uncomfortable during any of your sessions, you can ask the technician to adjust the settings. Also, it's important to know that TMS is not the same as electroconvulsive therapy. The main difference is that electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, can be quite painful. If you have questions about TMS, be sure to talk to your doctor before your scheduled appointment. 

Designate a Support Group

If you're scheduled for your first TMS session, make sure you have your designated support group ready, which should consist of family and friends. You'll want to explain the procedure to them so that they'll know how to help you through the process. Because TMS can leave you with a headache following each session, it's a good idea to have someone drive you to and from each appointment. 

If you're struggling to find relief from depression, talk to your doctor about TMS. Use the tips provided here to help you prepare for your treatment. 
