If you're ordered by your doctor to get an MRI, you may be a bit nervous about it. This is a thorough test that is frequently necessary for many medical conditions. One of the biggest challenges that many individuals face is struggling with a feeling of claustrophobia when having this done. The process of getting an MRI will require you to be in a small space for a certain amount of time. Being aware of specific tips may allow you to handle this situation better.

Tip #1: Practice deep breathing

You may want to work on your breathing technique when it comes to getting this test done. Being able to take several deep breaths before and during this process may be the key to easing your mind and help you de-stress.

Tip #2: Wear comfortable clothing

You may prefer not to put on a hospital gown when having this medical testing done. If so, you will want to be mindful of what you wear to your schedule appointment. 

Be sure to wear clothes that don't have any metal fasteners because these aren't allowed. It's a great idea to consider wearing just a cotton tee-shirt and jogging pants.

Tip #3: Arrive early if possible

Getting to the hospital or clinic where this procedure is being done early is sure to help you feel less stressed. You will want to relax a bit before being called back to have this done and getting there late could be stressful.

Try to leave your home a little early because you don't know how much traffic you will have to fight on your way there.

Tip #4: State any conditions

It's important to let the technician that is completing this testing for you know if you have any special conditions. For instance, if you're pregnant or you wear a pacemaker, this should be information you provide.

Additionally, you will want to be prepared to list any medications that you take. It's important to do this in order to have optimal results from your testing.

Taking the time to have an MRI could make a huge difference in your overall quality of life and long-term health. Keep in mind that your doctor has ordered the testing in order to look for anything that might be causing you a problem, so it's important to your health to follow through. Be sure to work closely with your health provider to schedule this test when necessary.
