When you've got to go, you've got to go – and emptying your bladder somewhere between 6-7 times a day (more if you've had more fluids than usual that day) is perfectly normal. But if you're a woman who feels like they constantly need to be near a bathroom, you may have a case of female incontinence. But what are you to do about it, short of undertaking an expensive surgery or making sure you know where the bathrooms are in every building you ever visit? If you're looking for tips on dealing with controlling your bladder without surgery, then here's what you need to know.
Buff the Floor
The first thing you should do is to strengthen the muscles around your bladder and pelvis, and the best way to do this is through kegel exercises. The muscle you're training is the one you feel when you stop a stream of urine; if you can't find it, wait until you have to go to the bathroom and then stop mid-stream (don't do that often though; it can cause problems) – the muscle you feel is the one you'll want to train. Tense the muscle for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Try to do 10 of those, three times a day – if you have to work up to it, that's fine – to strengthen your muscles.
Train the Drain
Adding on to the strength you'll gain by doing kegels is the control you'll get by training your bladder. It's not as complicated as it seems, either; you'll need to do a "control" week first, where you go about your day as normal but keep a diary of every time you have to go to the bathroom (along with every time you leak). Once the week is up, examine how many times you have to go a day and the interval of time between bathroom visits, then add 15 minutes to that interval. Follow this schedule for a week, going to the bathroom every time you marked even if you don't have to go. From then on, increase the interval by 15 every week until you reach the point of being able to go 3 to 4 hours between every bathroom trip.
Lose a Bit
Believe it or not, your weight could be having an impact on your bladder, causing it to weaken. Thus, one of the best ways to try to control your bladder is to lose a bit of weight. If you are unsure where to start – or have tried to lose weight previously with negligible results, talk to your doctor; they'll be able to recommend the best diet and exercise plan for you based on your specific body type and nutritional needs, allowing you to lose weight without becoming unhealthy.
For more information, contact a specialist in this area who could provide urological supplies and professional advice.